

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:29:50北京青年报社官方账号





"Canadians gave me a lot to think about on Monday night when they returned us to government but with a requirement to work with other parties," Trudeau said Wednesday in Ottawa in his first post-election news conference. "I am going to take the time necessary to really reflect on how best to serve Canadians and work with the other parties.


"Capital market functions will be impaired without the registration-based IPO mechanism and hence would not be able to serve technology startups with high efficiency. Therefore, efforts should be made to push forward this very basic mechanism of the capital market. But at the same time, progress should be made with no haste, allowing the capital market to mature and accept the wider adoption of the mechanism as well as the completion of related policies," he said.


"China has always been the nucleus of our global business map, and it will remain so, given that over 50 percent of the world's construction is taking place in China. The country is also the vanguard of high-density urban planning, setting the standards for other countries to follow," said Keith Griffiths, chairman and global design principal of Aedas, the British architectural design firm.


"China is very dear to us at Standard Bank, " Ebden said. "This year to celebrate the Chinese new year and show our solidarity with China which is dealing with a difficult virus, we decided to wear red across all the 22 African countries where the Standard Bank has a presence. We will continue to raise awareness and do what we can even in a small capacity to help the Chinese people." 


"China is willing to share growth opportunities with the rest of the world. Honeywell has invested heavily in China, and we are picking winners," he said.


